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  • google-search-30x30.png   Search using Google   Default Search

    This is the most accurate and blazing-fast search using Google's state-of-the-art Cloud infra with stemming, plurals, synonyms, acronyms, misspelled search terms, autocomplete, sorting, image search, all the way down to 2-character and single-character searches and a plethora of other features. For instance, searching for "ai" will also search for "AI, A I, A.I., Artificial Intelligence" and searching for "manage" will also search for all variations: "manage, manages, managed, manager, managers, management, managerial, managing..." (not possible in Default Search which will not even search words less than 3 characters or the insignificant Stop-Words like a, an, the, when, etc. without consuming excessive resources and giving poor performance). Search results are divided into separate Web and Image tabs. Use the Sort dropdown to reorder results.

    NOTE: Google Search results below may NOT include the recently posted/updated content that may not have been indexed on Google yet.

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