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అమెరికా లో Police, POLICE STATION, INVESTIGATION, 911, LOCKUP ROOM, US lo Mahalaxmi Telugu Vlogs


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How to react when police stops you while driving|| must watch for all drivers||Telugu vlogs in USA


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On 6/5/2024 at 9:38 AM, Vijay said:

How to react when police stops you while driving|| must watch for all drivers||Telugu vlogs in USA


everything is fine except answering the cop part when they ask you why they stopped you. the cop is getting you to admit your guilt right there so he can cite you without any effort. in other words, he is asking you to make his life easy by admitting your guilt (or because he doesn't know why he stopped you). otherwise, the entire burden is on the cop to prove whatever he writes in the citation.

never say why the cop stopped you even if you know it. just say, "I don't know why you stopped me". if he asks you at what speed you were driving, say "I believe I was driving under the posted speed" even if you were overspeeding. he will understand that you are very smart and he will stop bothering you further because he knows he is not going to win or get you to admit your guilt!

if he asks you where you are coming from or where you are headed (doesn't happen In USA but might happen in some sensitive/restricted areas), smile, turn away and look straight through the windshield, remain silent and don't utter a word. it is NONE of his business to know where you have been or what you are up to and he has NO right to ask. he won't ask you the same question again because he will understand you are smart.

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