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World As We Know It



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No surprise it’s not…

Which country has the most cities with over one million population?


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Africa actually 14 times Greenland

Africa is huge dude. You can sometimes drive for days and you will not see any human

That’s why African can house almost every country in the world on its continent

Africa stayed the same size and everything else shrunk

yeah, but Africa is too HOT 🔥

Russia fits into Africa 1.77 times. Which is pretty crazy when you think about it. Russia is massive, nearly double the size of the 2nd biggest country, canada.

Amazon Rainforest is about 5/6 the size of the contiguous 48 united states. It is MASSIVE, but you wouldn't realize this looking at the Mercator projection. Imagine a single giant rainforest from Maine to Florida, and stretched across the US and almost reaching the west coast. That's the size of the Amazon. It gives credence to how there can be dozens of uncontacted tribes that still exist within this huge rainforest.

Who would imagine that USA just a tiny country.

USA and Russia turned from adults to babies. 😅

Peters projection is the most accurate, size-wise

Flat earthers been real quiet since this dropped

All Maps are Lying to You 😱 The Real Size of Countries 🗺️


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Pubs in uk️ Uk in pubs

Churches in poland hits hard

Church in poland️ Poland in church

Vampires in Romania 🧛🏻‍♂️🗿

Noodles vendors in China 🇨🇳 💀 literally wherever i go, i see noodles 😭

Tea stalls and pani puri stalls in India 😂❤❤

Speed bumps in Turkey🗿🇹🇷

And dont forget doctors and clinics and drugstores and hospitals in Iran😂😂

Russia: pubs, kebabs, churches and pizzarias in one country

Each country in the world


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Now i understood why there's less gravity in the south indian movie film makers there create fight scenes where the hero punches enemies airborne 😂

Now I get why Sri Lanka currency is so inflated

Gravity Hole explained


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