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Googol Gear - 14B years!!! #shorts



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A comment:

Or you can just manually spin the last one, make the first one spin at the speed of light!
More comments:
The first gear will wear out long before the last gear ever moves

14B years?? 😂 Owner did NOT do math ! 🙄

⚙Gear.1 appears to turn every 4 seconds.

⚙ gear 2 turns every 40 seconds

⚙ gear 3, 400 seconds ( 6.66 min )

🕗 G4: 4000sec = 66.6 min = 1.1hr Owner got bored watching by this point...




⚙ G5: 40K.sec = 11.1 hrs

🌼 G6: 400K.sec = 111 hrs = 4.629 days

⚙ G7: 4Mill.sec = 46.29 days (about how long to 3D.print 100 gears)




❄ G8: 40Mill = 462.96 days = 1.267 yrs

⚙ G9: 400M.sec = 12.675 years ... in about 15yrs gear #1 turns far enough ... to have rolled all way around planet earth But gear #9 would be just past once.



.. since every gear takes 10x time to turn:

... gear ten takes more than a lifetime.


🕝 G10: 4B.sec = 126.75 yrs

⚙ G11: 40B.sec = 1267.5 yrs per turn

⚙ G12: 400B.sec = 12,675 years

... Longer than written human history 🧭

... past Old English, Italian Renaisance, 🗿

... Middle Ages, Roman empire, Greeks. 🎭

... Egyptian, sumarians, near cave men. 🧬



🌛 G13: 4Trillion.sec = 126,751 years.

⚙ G14: 40T.sec = 1.26 Mill years

🔅 G15: 400T.sec = 12.6 Mil years ... note: Dinosaurs died 66Mil.yrs ago ...




🔆 G16: 4+E15 sec = 126.75 Mil years

... age of dinosaurs barely start that far back

🦕 🦖 🦎 🐢 🐍 🐾 🌞

G17: 4+E16 sec = 1.267 Bill.years

... mostly just ancient sea life exists 3By ago

🦠 🐚 🐙 🦑 🦐 🔆 G18 4+E17 sec = 12.67 B.yrs

...this is more years than Earth has existed.

...our Sun predicted to die out under 6B.yrs




🌟 G19: 4+E18 sec = 126B.yrs

🔆 G20: 4+E19 sec = 1.26T years

🌼 G21: 4+E20 sec = 12.675 T.yrs (approaching current age of universe)




❄ G22: 4+E21 sec = 126.75 T.yrs

...By this point, all known stars may burn out ☠ 😇

🔅 G23: 4+E22 sec = are you feeling old yet?

🎡 Gear 24: 1,265.5 Trillion Years to turn !!




❄The known universe has ended, and the Googol-gears could not really turn gear 25💫yet, from 100 gears built in at 10x ratio.


If gear #1 could turn 4000 rpm, this would only change things by 3 more gears...

( gear 4 woud turn 4 rpm instead )👀

... but gear 1+2 would overheat plastic and wear our machine in a few hours...



It seems like creator of this video just Made-Up the time of 14 Billion years.
... if 10:1 gear ratio exists for 100 gears.

Maybe they just watched YouTube and heard universe isc13.8Billion years, and decided to round UP to 14B yrs, using that number. 🐵 😊 🤪

Other people added comments about having a gear turn at Light Speed...

(Ignoring aspect of gears exploding apart)

Even having the teeth on gear #1 move at 300,000km/sec light speed, would only use up another factor of ten gears !! 🤓



So: 😃Did I calc the math+time right ???😺

How long do YOU think gear machine would last ?

Will it run for years past a human lifetime ...?

... or be thrown in trash & forgotten sooner ?



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