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United States ​ 🇺🇸 ​- the Greatest Country in the World! #shorts


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The US is a freight train country, not a passenger train country. There is a reason the US has the largest road network in the world, even more than India and China that both have more than 4 times its population. We like our cars!

And somehow I still haven't rode on a US train in my life!

USA has the largest rail road network in the world!


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most cities in USA have their own municipalities by the way.

Why Are There Two New Yorks & Two Washingtons in the USA?


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Liechtenstein missed its chance to become 11,000 times bigger, what could have been the biggest and fastest growth in history lol 😳😳😂😂

Russia: We need to sell Alaska to the US to save our economy

USA: Finds gold

Russia: 👁️👄👁️

Bro Alaska is cheaper than a plane☠️💀 what a bargain!!!!

Another fun fact: during winter Alaska and the body of water between it and Russia freeze. Meaning you can walk to Russia from Alaska in the winter

It blows my mind how cheap land is, compared to a small humble apartment we live today

Alaska Almost Bought by the Smallest Country 🇺🇸💰🇱🇮


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • The title was changed to United States - the Greatest Country in the World!

“What you in here for?" -"I sold my car last sunday"

So New Jersey cops get double the penalties, when they commit crimes??

Who remarries the same person 4 times?! 

U.S. Laws That Will Blow Your Mind 🤯 Crazy Laws That Still Exist 🇺🇸


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Once a wise man said: if buying isn't owning, pirating isn't stealing

This is why the government can show up one day and be like, hey buddy, we're going to build a highway through your house. And you say, so how much do you want to buy it for? And they say, no no, we make the offer, and you don't have a choice.

Why You Can't Actually Own Land In America


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