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Remote/WFH Job Scams #shorts



️Remote/WFH job scams are everywhere right now. Please be careful!

Reminder that scams are scams because they DON’T look like scams!! You are not stupid for falling for a scam. If it was obviously a scam, it wouldn’t be a scam!

A remote job scam is going to look appealing and legit. You need to be educated on the signs to look out for:

  • they ask you to purchase equipment or “invest” your own money first
  • they only communicate through an app like WhatsApp or Telegram & you never meet via video call or in person
  • they want to interview over Google Hangouts or on the phone
  • they have frequent typos/grammatical errors in their communications
  • they send you a check. don’t accept a check. never EVER send them money!
  • no email signature/unprofessional email address
  • there is an urgency for you to start the job immediately or yesterday!
  • it’s too good to be true.

Talk to your bank or credit union representative and be honest with them! They can help identify scams and fraud only if they have the correct information.

Remember: even if you look up the company and they’re legit — that doesn’t mean you are talking to THAT company! They are probably impersonating them. Always reach out for help company directly via their official website to double check. You got this!!


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